

Compiled by: Zenisha Acharya

Sadhana Khanal

Christina Khadka

 Nirmala Joshi

Sandesh Dhakal

Central Department of Microbiology

Kirtipur, Kathmandu


       Antigenicity and Antigens

       Antigenicity is the ability to combine  specifically with the final  products of the  adaptive immune responses (antibodies and/or TCRs)

       Substances that can be recognized by the  immunoglobulin receptor of B cells or by the T  cell receptor when complexed with MHC, are  called antigens

        Immunogenicity and Immunogens

                       Immunogenicity is the ability to induce a humoral and/or cell mediated immune response

                      Immunogens   are       the       substances       that      elicit/  trigger/induce adaptive immune                    response

All immunogens are antigens but not all antigens are immunogens


       Haptens are the small organic molecules that  interact but do  not activate the immune  response (non-­immunogenic antigens)

       Chemical coupling of a hapten to a large  protein, called a carrier, yields an  immunogenic hapten-­carrier conjugate

       Examples: penicillin, aspirin, formaldehyde,  sulfonamide, picrylchloride

Hapten-­carrier conjugate

       Animals immunized with a conjugate produce  antibodies specific for

                    1. The hapten determinant

                        2. Unaltered epitopes on the carrier protein

                        3. New epitopes formed by combined parts of both the hapten and carrier

Factors influencing immunogenicity

       The immune system actually recognizes  particular macromolecules of an infectious agent,  generally either proteins or polysaccharides

       Proteins are the most potent immunogens, with  polysaccharides ranking second

       Lipids and nucleic acids of an infectious agent  generally do not serve as immunogens unless  they are complexed with proteins or  polysaccharides

       Proteins must first be processed into small peptides  and then presented together with MHC molecules on  the membrane of a cell before they can be recognized  as immunogens

       Lipids and glycolipids  that can elicit cell-­mediated  immunity must also be combined with MHC-­like  membrane molecules called CD1

       Immunogenicity is not an intrinsic property of an  antigen

       Also depends on  a number of properties of the  particular biological system  that the antigen  encounters

Contribution of the immunogen

  1. Foreignness:

       A molecule must be recognized as non-­self by the  biological system in order to elicit an immune response

       The greater the phylogenetic distance between two  species, the greater the structural disparity between  them


            Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is not immunogenic when  injected into a cow but is                     strongly immunogenic when  injected into a rabbit

                        Egg albumin is not immunogenic when injected into fowls  but is strongly immunogenic                           when    injected into a rabbit


       Collagen and cytochrome c have been highly  conserved throughout evolution and therefore  display very little immunogenicity across diverse  species

       Some self-­components (e.g., corneal tissue and  sperm) are effectively sequestered from the  immune system, so that if these tissues are  injected even into the animal from which they  originated, they will function as immunogens


  1. Molecular size:

       Generally, substances with a molecular mass less  than 5,000-­10,000 Da are poor immunogens

       Very large  proteins, e.g. keyhole limpet  hemocyanin (>2,000 kDa) is a very powerful  immunogen

       The best immunogens tend to have a molecular  mass of 100 kDa

       Polysaccharides vary in immunogenicity (dextran  with MW of 600 kDa  is a good immunogen  whereas dextran with MW of 100 kDa is not)


  1. Chemical composition and heterogeneity

       Synthetic homopolymers (polymers composed of a single amino acid or sugar) eg. polystyrene, nylon,  polyacrylamide tend to lack immunogenicity regardless  of their size

       Copolymers composed of different amino acids or  sugars are usually more immunogenic than  homopolymers

       It is notable that all four levels of protein organization  (primary, secondary, tertiary, and  quaternary)  contribute to the structural complexity of a protein  and hence affect its immunogenicity


  1. Susceptibility to Ag processing and presentation

       Large, insoluble macromolecules generally are  more immunogenic than small, soluble ones  because the larger molecules are more readily  phagocytosed and processed

       Macromolecules that cannot be degraded and  presented with MHC molecules are poor  immunogens


o   polymers of D-­amino acids

Contribution of the biological system

  1. Genotype of the recipient:

       The gene controlling immune responsiveness  is mapped to regions of MHC

       The response of an animal to an antigen is  also influenced by

o   The genes that encode B-­cell and T-­cell receptors

o   The genes that encode various proteins involved in  immune regulatory mechanisms


  1. Dosage and route of antigen administration:

       An insufficient dose will not stimulate an  immune response because it fails to activate  enough lymphocytes

       A single dose of Ag is less effective  than  repeated administration over a period  of  weeks

       Repeated administrations, or boosters,  increase the clonal proliferation of antigen-­  specific T cells or B cells

Administration routes of Ag

1. Intravenous (iv): into a vein

2. Intradermal (id): into the skin

3.  Subcutaneous (sc): beneath the skin

4.  Intramuscular (im): into a muscle

5.  Intraperitoneal (ip): into the peritoneal cavity

       The immune response is high if soluble Ag is  administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly and  cellular Ag is administered intravenously or  intraperitoneally

       Antigen administered intravenously is carried first to  the spleen, whereas antigen administered subcutaneously moves first to local lymph nodes


  1. Adjuvants

       Substances that enhance the immunogenicity  of that antigen when mixed and injected with  it

       Adjuvants are used when an antigen has low  immunogenicity or when only small amounts  of an antigen are available


Effects of adjuvants on immunogenicity

  1. Antigen persistence is prolonged
  2. Co-­stimulatory signals are enhanced
  3. Local inflammation is increased
  4. The nonspecific proliferation of lymphocytes  is stimulated

Aluminum potassium sulfate (alum)

       It prolongs the persistence of antigen

       When an antigen is mixed with alum, the salt  precipitates the antigen

       Injection of this alum precipitate results in a  slower release of antigen from the injection site

       The effective time of exposure to the antigen  increases from a few days without adjuvant to  several weeks with the adjuvant

       The alum precipitate also increases the size of  the antigen, thus increasing  the likelihood of  phagocytosis

       Freund’s incomplete adjuvant

       It contains antigen in aqueous solution,  mineral oil and an emulsifying agent such as  mannide monooleate, which disperses the oil  into small droplets surrounding the antigen

       The antigen is then released very slowly from  the site of injection

       It contains heat-­killed mycobacterial extract, muramyl  dipeptide, a component of the mycobacterial cell wall  that activates macrophages

       Activated macrophages are more phagocytic than  inactivated macrophages and express higher levels of  class II MHC molecules and the membrane molecules  of the B7 family

       The increased expression of class II MHC increases the  ability of the APC to present antigen to TH cells

       B7 molecules on the APC bind to CD28, a cell-­‐surface  protein on TH cells,  triggering co-­stimulation, an  enhancement of the T-­ cell immune response

       Alum and Freund’s adjuvants also stimulate a  local, chronic inflammatory response that  attracts both phagocytes and lymphocytes

       The infiltration of cells at the site of the adjuvant  injection ofen results in formation of a dense,  macrophage-­rich mass of cells called a granuloma

       Macrophages in a granuloma are activated, so it  also enhances the activation of TH cells

       Other adjuvants (synthetic polyribonucleotides  and bacterial LPS) stimulate the nonspecific  proliferation of lymphocytes


       Immune cells do not interact with, or  recognize, an entire immunogen molecule

       Lymphocytes recognize discrete sites on the  macromolecule called epitopes, or antigenic  determinants

       Epitopes are  the immunologically  active  regions of an immunogen  that bind to  antigen-­‐specific membrane receptors on  lymphocytes or to secreted antibodies

       B cells recognize soluble antigen when it binds to  their membrane-­‐bound antibody and the  epitopes they recognize  tend to be highly  accessible sites on the exposed surface of the  immunogen

       T cells recognize only peptides combined with  MHC molecules on the surface of antigen‐  presenting cells and altered self-­cells and epitope  cannot be considered apart from their associated  MHC molecules

        Types of antigens

  1. On the basis of immunogenicity

Ø  Pure immunogen

Ø  Hapten

  1. On the basis of biological function

Ø  Thymus-­dependent (TD) Ags:

        TD Ags are those that require the help of T-­  cells to stimulate the production of Ab by B-­  cells

       Proteins are TD Ags

       Ag processing is required

       They initiate memory

Ø  Thymus-­independent (TI) Ags:

       They are the Ags, which can directly stimulate  B­‐cells to produce Ab without the  requirement of T-­cell help

       Polysaccharides are TI Ags

       No memory

       IgM predominant

       Low level of class switching

       Classified into type 1 and type 2

Type 1 TI Ags

       TI-­1 antigens are polyclonal B-­cell activators (mitogens)

       They are able to activate B cells regardless of their  antigenic specificity

       The mechanism by which TI-­1 antigens activate B cells  is not well understood

       When B cells are exposed to lower concentrations of  TI-­1 antigens, only those B-­cells specific for epitopes of  the antigen will be activated

       At high  concentrations, some TI-­1 antigens will  stimulate proliferation and antibody secretion by as  many as one third of all B cells

       Example: LPS

Type 2 TI Ags

                           Highly repetitious       molecules   such as polymeric proteins

       They    activate           B         cells     by        extensively  crosslinking the mIg receptor


Ø  Bacterial flagellin

Ø  Bacterial cell wall polysaccharides with repeating  polysaccharide units

       TI-­2 antigens differ from TI-­1 antigens in three  important respects:

Ø  They are not B-­cell mitogens and so do not act as  polyclonal activators

Ø  TI-­1 antigens will activate both mature and immature  B cells, but TI-­2 antigens activate mature B cells only

Ø  Although the B-­cell response to TI-­2 antigens does not  require direct involvement of TH cells,  cytokines  derived from TH cells are required for efficient B-­cell  proliferation and for class switching to isotypes other  than IgM

  1. Heterophiles

       Two different Ags share an identical epitope

Consequence: cross-­reactivity

Ab specific for one epitope also binds to an unrelated epitope possessing similar chemical properties


  1. Superantigens

       Superantigens are viral or bacterial proteins that  bind simultaneously to the Vβ domain of TCR and  to the α chain of a class II MHC molecule

       Crosslinkage of a T-­cell receptor and class II MHC  molecule by superantigen produces an activating  signal that induces T-­cell activation and  proliferation

       Conventional T-­dependent Ags activate only a  small fraction (1 in 104-­105) of T-­cell  population i.e. monoclonal or oligoclonal  response

       The activation by superantigens is polyclonal  and can affect a significant percentage  (5-25%) of the total TH population


Exogenous superantigens:

       They are soluble proteins secreted by bacteria

       A variety of exotoxins  secreted  by gram-­  positive bacteria, such as

Ø  Staphylococcal enterotoxins

Ø  Toxic-­shock-­syndrome toxin

Ø  Exfoliative-­dermatitis toxin

       Each of the exogenous superantigens binds  particular Vβ sequences in TCR and crosslinks  the TCR to a class II MHC molecule


Endogenous superantigens

       They are cell-membrane proteins encoded by  certain viruses that infect mammalian cells

       Viral proteins are expressed on the membrane  of the infected cells

       The viral proteins, called minor lymphocyte  stimulating (Mls) determinants, bind  particular Vβ sequences in TCR and crosslink  the TCR to a class II MHC molecule



Superantigens and Diseases




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